「FSC認定」100%リサイクルペーパー&ベジタブルインクのサスティナブル仕様に変わります。Skin care boxes will be changed to sustainable specifications, made from 100% recycled paper and vegetable ink.
エネルギー満ちパワー溢れるハワイの山へ向かう道は今も変わらずそこに。The road to the mountains of Hawaii, full of energy and power, is still there.
野生の実を一つ一つ手で採取する。今だからみんなで地球の循環を見直したい。Picking wild nuts one by one by hand. Now we all take another look at the Earth's cycles.
無刺激を目指し生まれたNOLUソープは、赤ちゃんや傷のある方に使える高リピート率の隠れアイテムです。This natural soap was created with the aim of being non-irritating and is a hidden item with a high repeat rate that can be used by babies and people with wounds.
ブランド発足時「すべての商品は生まれたての赤ちゃんが使えるべき」というコンセプトで企画開発が始まりました。今でもの意志は大切に守られています。When the brand was launched, planning and development began with the concept that "all products should be suitable for newborn babies." This idea is still carefully preserved to this day.
"For your precious family...something that newborn babies can use" has been the theme and concept that has remained unchanged since WELINA ORGANICS was founded.